Holy Ages! I haven’t posted in over two months. I could use any one of the following excuses……
• I was abducted while attending the local UFO Conference in Eureka Springs and just now got back from my trip around Uranus
• I have been traveling the world in search of Nirvana
• I have been tangled in the arms of the man of my dreams- Paul Walker
• I have been making trips back and fourth from the US to Fiji, trying to get moved into my new place on the ocean
• I’ve been filming the next part of the Twilight series “Breaking Dawn” to be released over a year from now…. and I get totally naked in it!
• I’ve been in Tibet Studying Buddhism with the Monks, and since shaved my head and changed my name to Thich Nhat Hanh.
• OR….. I’ve been so damn busy with real life that I haven’t had time to get my head stuck in the clouds, at least not long enough to get on my computer unless I’m at work, in which case I cannot access my blog due to new restrictions.
I’ll let you figure this one out!
My word what a couple of months it has been too! wow. Where in the hell do I start?
My daughter is in Kindergarten and doing very well! She is starting to read. I’m scared because I wonder how much longer I’ll be able to hide things by spelling them out to someone without her understanding me. How do you call someone a Douche Bag if your kid sounds it out and then asks what it is? (no she hasn’t YET) Guess I’ll start making up new, less abrasive terms for the parasites I’ve encountered, like maybe…. “Gosh, he’s a total tampon!” but I’m not sure that would be any better to explain????? In any case, watching your daughter flourish in school, even at such a young age is amazing. It also makes me feel my age which is totally not cool!

I recently decided I needed a huge change in my life- so since I’d never dyed my entire head (only highlights now and then) I figured, hey, I’ll just fucking go for it you know, just do it. Everyone else does! So I did. It was horrid. It was strawberry red. Which is GREAT on a lot of people, but this was not my color peeps, I looked like a lit match!
Jaida took this picture of me cooking on Thanksgiving- as you can see.... pretty bright
Of course Jenni (whos under layer of hair is blue right now) thought I should just go REAL BLOOD RED like ‘Annie Lennox’ RED from the late 90’s. I opted out of that with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. So, while on a weekend escape from reality with my other bff Katie I got toner from the local beauty store and got that red out- becoming literally in the blink of an eye, a female Billy Idol look alike. (jenni loved it *this is me scratching my glowing hair in confusion*) but finally went to my hair dresser to get it done. After a slight miss-commuinication it turned YELLOW:

I came back to work, and after the long odd moments of silence and stares (not the good , damn she looks cute today, or oh I love her shoes “stare” ) these were ‘holy ages, what the F** has she done” so I immediately called my stylist to have it dyed as dark as I could. So I did, and I love it:

The point of that rant was: Natural blondes should NEVER, under any circumstances, EVER be allowed to touch OTC hair dye! End of that bullshit!
Winter has officially begun- it’s cold as hell here and even the bugs are trying to get in the house. I found the third stink bug in my house and decided it was time to buy the do it yourself FOGGERS. Don’t get me wrong, I love the smell of cilantro, but stink bugs are like stuffing cilantro up your nose, twisting it then adding some lemon! I begin (thankfully) reading instructions on this bug bomb, and it tells me in BOLD to shut off the pilots, all electric devices, AC/HEAT etc… or my house could blow up. I don’t know how to shut the piliots off in my house…. So I guess I’ll let my cat continue catching the little green stink bugs until I find someone who volunteers their time to make sure I don’t blow myself up. (in recent events i learned i dont have pilot lights in my house, what a relief!)
Meanwhile, back at the bat cave- I mean Pierce City. My parasite of a used to be ‘step’ sister is still sucking off of my step dad/host of a father. Still no job, SUPPOSIDLY getting her GED (bout fucking time, maybe you’ll have it by the 30th birthday?) I mean really. Nothing against people who didn’t graduate, to each their own, fuck my own mom didn’t. But she DID get a GED. This bitch hasn’t worked more than 2 weeks at any given job since the dawn of time, and has two kids, two different fathers and dates men older than my dad……….. they aren’t even rich ones! LOL I mean in all fairness, if you’re gonna leach off someone, don’t make it your disabled father you asshole! Ok that was my mean vent for this post- We are officially no longer related or even in the same lifetime as far as I go, I’m done and plan to never see, speak or hear of that bitch again in my life. Nuff Said.
I recently went exploring with a friend or friends, who will remain nameless, since I have learned in the past few months how important my PRIVATE life is…. To other people…. So I’ll just keep the mystery about it. Went to the Buffalo River in Arkansas- Went to some bad ASS water falls- crawled way back in some caves, even took pictures of some little cave bats. They are ADORABLE.

I never thought I’d get that close to one, but I even pet one of their backs! I want one now… We even sat down in a cafĂ© in this tiny town in southern Arkansas, where to my disgust there was not one bit of COW or Chicken on the menu… only lamb, buffalo, wild hog or ELK. Yes, I slowly stood up and then hauled ass for the door. Even the salads were alive.
It was a great trip- here are some pics for you:

DEEP inside a cave

In the recent learning of ‘lesson’s’ so to speak, I’ve learned a number of things:
• I’m more nieve than I ever thought- but I know what a drug addict/Alchoholic looks like now.
• Even if you do contact their parents, it doesn’t do any good, they continue to self distruct and you’re better off without them around
• The instincts of a mother are scary when her life feels threatened. I learned exactly to what extent I will go to in order to keep my daughter and our house safe. NO, I’m not afraid to use it- and NO those people do not scare me anymore. And I am not sorry for how I reacted!
• I have learned that love, over anger and hate will prevail no matter what. Even if you do have to boot out the people in life who you once cared so deeply for. In the end, the hole they left is filled with pure, good things and more laughter than you thought possible.
• Children are truly the light of the world. No matter how long you avoid holding babies, you eventually have to hold one, and when you do, you’re going to fall in love with it.
• Family means what you want it to mean, 98% of my family is of no relation to me at all they are the adopted ones… friends and friends families. 1% is worth my time and have done tremendous wonderful things for me, among those things… picking me up from HELL at 2 AM on a five hour drive one way and of course my true blood sisters, I love them to death, yet never see or hardly talk to them I’m still proud to call them family… the other 1% I will just leave blank- not worth the energy it takes to type
• The more time you spend outside, the better you feel in your heart and soul
• Religion is a joke to most people- to me it just means you believe in someone/something bigger than you. Not that if you don’t believe a certain way you’re damned to hell because sometimes, I think this life is hell or at least a damn tride and true test to see if we’d last down there. I think all religions are great- just as long as you feel as a single soul that it makes you better as a person. y’s post, or in a nutshell rather. Life changes, people change… if they do, it’s hopefully for the better, if not, walk away and wipe your hands of it. Life is too short and way too beautiful to let it get tainted by the hands of someone not there for your best interest.
In closing for today If you’re in someones life for your own selfish reasons, well that that means you too! I keep looking around, meeting new people, and finding myself apauled by what I see in some people. It’s almost a question now of ‘why even try’ to meet new people, if they keep ending up to be something they are not in the end anyways.
The holidays are upon us, I hope you all had a super Turkey day, ate until your hearts were content and were surrounded by the people you love and who love you most. I know I was. Christmas isn’t far off, and I’m trying so hard to get festive-I’m sure in the next few weeks if I don’t, media will no doubt push it on me anyways, I might as to those who are new comers to the following of my blog. I promise to improve posts from this point forward, come on now, give me a break…. I was with the aliens in Fiji, had writers block because I was in the arms of Paul walker, my hot vampire fiancĂ© and when I woke up in Tibet I was bald and can’t prounounce my own name- damn that paodi! XOXOXOXO