What is it with dreams? You know, the ones that hit us hard in the middle of the night. They make your heart race, or tears stream. They can make you feel more in love than ever with someone you have never met who doesn't even have a face, or all in one dream you can be horrified beyond belief. Some dreams continue, long after you wake.... small things through the day make every tiny feeling you felt during the dream, rush back through your body to the point of causing your head to ache. The dreams that remind you your mom is dead, over and over. The dreams that youre being chased by someone faster than superman, yet your legs move as if they have blocks tied to them. Then there are the beautiful dreams, the dream when you can feel his hand softly touch your face and trace your jaw line as you're kissed softly on the lips sending chills down your spine only to wake up alone. What about the baby you lost all those years ago, when in your dream it was a boy, and he was beautiful like the love you felt when he was created, and lost.
I will never understand dreams. I get angry when I see my mom in my dreams and she just smiles, she never talks to me anymore just smiles. Somehow i'm always angry at her when i wake up, i feel alone again. What about those dreams where you're just there.... in a place you love or have always wanted to go, sitting in the sun, listening to the waves crash against your feet and staring into the crystal blue water as if it were your future. Nothing............just peace.
I can't begin to even pretend i understand what causes certain dreams. Why people we've not seen in years or some faceless person is there. Why or HOW it feels so real to be chased, or even touched. I look at the reasons online, and all of them say something different. It is the good dreams.... the one on the beach, the soft kiss that leaves me shaken or the site of the son I never had laughing with his father in a life that never really happened.
I wonder sometimes, if dreams are but a glimpse of our past life, something we actually did feel or see at some point in our lives? Is it just in our psyche? Just because my mom wont talk to me in my dreams, does this mean she's angry, or that somehow deep inside i'm angry at her? I dont think so......
Sometimes I look around at the world as it is, and feel as though i'm in a dream... a great dream... a wonderful dream. It feels so good most of the time. Days like today when the breeze touches your hair just right, the smells surrounding you drift off like honey suckle and lilac. People you meet in passing smile as if they see and feel the same things! It might sound horribly cheesy, but it truly amazes me how wonderful life is!
Without hardships, we would never appreciate the soft kindness of life. Without rain, we could never smell the honeysuckle growing along the road. Without sadness and loss, we would never appreciate the things that come into our lives and change us for the better. Without tears we would never truly understand the magic of a smile. I've been asked before, many times... if i could change things in my past, would i? The answer still remains NO. Even if sometimes the past does haunt us!
Live in the moment, cherish the past and be excited for the future! Have a fabulous day my friends!
Love it when you write things like this. Sometimes I think that dreams are our mind going through memories. Making sure we don't forget how nice it feels to be touched, to be in Love, to be scared, to miss someone. So when it happens again, you will know exactly what it is. Of course sometimes I end up naked riding an elephant through the mall singing sex on fire.... not sure about that one!
Looks like the b-day pool party was a great success! Cheers to you Miss Mohawk:)
That was beautifully written. Dreams can be so inspriring and scary. I used to write the ones I could remember down.
BTW I love the tattoo!
I've often asked myself the same thing...would I change it all if I could? Honestly as horrifying as it is, even my deafness - No, I wouldn't. I'm more compassionate and understand now than I ever was before. I rather like me. I believe you rather like yourself too.
On another note, Thank You! for all the comments you left on my blog recently. Forgive me for the last response. I'm a bit caught up in a few writing projects at the moment. (Hugs)Indigo
Wow, welcome to my world. I'm glad you came into mine or I may not have found yours. This is just beautiful and a very pleasing way to meet you.
Peace, Love and coconuts
Lost- Naked, riding an elephant through the mall? That sounds fun! :) Glad you liked the mohawk Hugs-
Bobbie- I've often tried to write them down, and after reading the next day, they make no sense at all... mostly because i wrote in tongues :) ha ha
Indigo- thanks for taking time out of your work to stop by- I do love reading your work. I do rather love myself as well. I dont see why anyone should be any different... love what we have right?
Sasha- your stories were capitvating. Thank you for stopping by and joining my world as well. I love coconuts!
I love the new hair do!!! It is very cute on you. Not sure how new it is, but I just seen it today. Very cute!!
I have had similar dreams about my mom. I think it could be just a sign from our moms letting us know they will always, always be watching over us. Take it as a positive sign dear one.
Thanks Steven!
CP- That's what i've learned in the studies i've done... however I can't figure out why she doesn't talk to me anymore?
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