Yesterday was the typical day here in Eureka Springs once we got home from Monett. Like most days, I picked the kiddo up at 4 and had to run some errrands. After that we headed to see Nicole and Tim but really it's been months since we'd seen Kael, their little boy. Before we went over to their house Jaida and I stopped at Sonic. We both got a cherry slushy and shared some cheddar bites. By the time we got there, we were minutes away from Tim arriving home with the little bundle........ who is now almost a full grown man (seriously no doubt he's a boy, you know... some kids look like girls and visa versa) this kid is all BOY and he's not even a year yet. We hung around for a while listening to him coo and very cleary say "I love you" but not with words, just the tone. It was something i've never seen such a small person do before. AMAZING.
Jaida and I hit a few of our favorite back roads before heading down the only highway that gets us home. The radio up as loud as we could get it (to drown our our tone deaf voices) and each had a hand out the window. The young boys in the truck in front of us must have thought it was really something, considering they peered at us through the rear view mirrors and gave the peace sign as they turned. Of course Jaida, being the socialite she is, gave the peace sign right back as she knodded, not missing a beat of the song! The ride home through Roaring River was gorgeous yesterday- the music was good, like non stop hits from the 70s and really to me - it doesn't get better than that. The air was moist and hot but the breeze through the valleys cool enough to leave the windows down and give you a rush as it blows your hair back in a whirlwind of energy.
We quickly ran to our house, swipped the bad ass 15 bean soup I had made (cajun style... yummm) to take to Jenni and the boys and headed into town. It wasn't long of course before my stomach was growling like a wild animal and Jaida too was hungry again. Where else would I order emergency food from - The Lovin Oven! They delievered to us just in time.
As the three of us girls sat out back in the cool of the evening, lightning bugs began to dance. Lighting almost in unison only to dissapear then show back up 5 feet away. Jaida sat on a lawn chair, her eyes sleepy from the long day, yet grease dripping down her chin from the pizza she held in her small hands. "How do you like school?" Jenni said to her. Apparently Jaida, who was in a daze by now... sleep deprivation and 'firefly's'. I repeaded the question to Jaida and she knodded in agreement "I like it". "Tell her about the new friend you made today", I said. "Michael?" she replied with that curious look about her face. "Yeah, is he your boyfriend?" i had to ask, because what fun to joke around with a five year old about that anyways, they get so defensive! Not this time though, she turns around with a very matter of fact look on her face and says "He's not my boyfriend mommy, Garrett is my boyfriend........ remember?" but before i could reply she says something that I will remember for the rest of my life, and dread with years to come.
Sitting up straight in the chair, cocking her head to the side. Her red little face glistened with sweat and her hair was dramatically matteed to her skull. She begins talking with her hands. This, is when you know they are serious... little ones... when they bust out the hand gesture.
"Uhm, ok... well... Don't get mad buuuuuuutttt well I hugged him" she says holding her hands clasped together tightly and sitting on her knees. My face must have been totally blank, I'm not sure I even blinked for a few minutes. I was in utter shock at what had come out of her mouth, meanwhile invisioning the coming years and the things that would follow that very sentence as she grows older: Dont get mad butt.... I wrecked your car, got kicked out of Spanish class, got caught sneaking out of XX's house, Have after school detention... and we all know it gets worse than that...
So she hugged Garrett. Jenni proceeded to try to carry on the conversation by pretending to be mad. Afterall, that deserved some kind of reaction.....and mommy was still green in the face with horrible futuristic scenerios racing through her head to even breath.
Once I snapped out of it, it was funny. I had to ask her "what did Garrett say when you hugged him?" to which her reply was very 'matter of factly' (because that is how she answers almost everything) "He said thank you, I'm gonna go play now, i'm done with my pizza".
Jenni and I sat in a silent gut splitting laughter for several minutes before discussing what our first "mom, dont be mad" was.... frankly i'm glad she broke me in with a hug... but she's also only 5!
So in short, I was shown a quick glimpse into what it is going to be like as my now cute and adorably animated daughter, turns into a bigger child, then a teenager and heaven help me she's going to be a knock out! I remember now why as I got older my mom always told me she appreciate the days in school when I was (of course pretty to her... yeah right) a bit 'homley' with my long fawn like legs, huge knee caps and David Letterman split between my teeth. My 'indian' lump in my nose was so large I couldn't see either way without totally turning my head and it was all I could do to walk and talk let alone chew gum at any given moment without falling and bleeding at the knee. Frankly my friends, I'm scared to death of what will come. I can only hope that between the fear her father will instill in the boys, and the kean intelligence to be totally grossed out by cooties (I plan to start this strategy as soon as i finsih writting) that she will continue to pick her nose (because of course i'm going to tell her boys LIKE that... surly it will detour them a few more years) that talking to them will only make you grow facial hair on your forehead. and last but not least if all else fails, pick the booger and all be damned... eat it! Hey, dont judge me... unless of course you have a daughter, in which case you can't tell me you havne't told them every trick in the book to keep them away from boys... right?
Id love to hear any advice you might have in the way of raising a beautiful young woman.........I dont have my mom around to ask, and when I think about things she did to me... they seem really super sadistic compared to booger eating! I'm surprised I even like boys now! :)
It's been an eventful day here on the hill - tornado warnings, a little tiny bit o' hail and an assload of rain, now we have plenty of beautiful sunshine beconing to me to get off my ass and come visit so I think that's exactly what i'll do. I've made spaghetti and plan to go to Roaring River with Jaida, Jenni and her boys to have a nice nature dinner and let the kids blow off some steam while playing in the muddy grass and swing set. In any case.... have a beautiful day- I have. Cheers- to five year olds and the things they say to give us heart failure.
Reading through your blog the last couple of months and even though we haven’t met face to face you still can somewhat get a vibe on a person. Bambi you are a wonderful and sweet loving soul and a mom. Don’t ever doubt your abilities in being a loving and fantastic mama!!
We don’t have a Sonic but I’ve had cheddar bites at other restaurants and OMG they are so addictive. I always love dipping them for some reason in sour creme and now I’m hungry thinking about it!!
I’m so glad Jaida is doing better.
CP- I could just hug you, If i ever get the pleasure of meeting you in person I would be honored, no matter who you are behind the pictures. You too put off a wonderful vibe!
OH GIRL... if you come to the US anytime soon you have to try the cheddar bites. I always eat them with Ranch, but sour cream sounds supurb. In fact, i tried your french fries with vinegar the other day... OMG that was good stuff!!
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