First I should tell you, incase you wonder.... if i got the job yesterday. Well, after a 15 minute interview things seemed great, the guy, whos name nearly made me throw up on myself because it is Douche Bags name, told me I had the perfect personality to work there and he would go back to have his boss come out for a second interview. Granted, i've not been in the food industry for so long, lets say i was a car hop last time i served food.... and still in high school!! Anyways, after a good wait the guy came back out and said he had talked to his boss and that unless I could work full time nights, that they didn't have any positions at that time, but would keep me on file for an opening to be hostess but didn't have anything right now. On the way out, reminds me i'd have the job if i could work more. Right, i get that! But, fact is I have a full time job 40+ hours a week already and I only need to supliment a pay decrease at work... not lose out on every waking moment of my daughters life, i mean it's already to the point i feel like when she's with her dad for two days that when she comes home she's grown another mile. So, i'll stick to selling ebay stuff until something else comes along. I just wish I had more Prada to sell! So with that said, here are my 'Why is its'
* Why is it, that we can grow so attached to a material item. A bag, we carry it with us to hold our other posessions, meanwhile growing so attached to the bag that we call it a 'her'. My prada took on a personality of her own in a way. The beautiful colors of yellow, orange, green and brown mixed so well that sometimes I felt like the bag was a part of my family. I know, I know, it sounds so shallow. Fact is, it probably is. Letting go of her, packing her away in a box with her dust bag and auth cards sending her to Baltimore was one of the hardest things i've done in a while. When the lady at the post office said to me 'do i need to say a prayer over it too?' I realized just how silly it had been to fall in love with a purse. I had my moment, i'm over it. Now it's time to sell all the rest of the things just sitting around looking pretty in my home!
* Why is it- no matter how many clothes you have in your closet (or lack of) there are some days when absolutly nothing fits right, looks right or feels right? It's as if you are shopping in someone elses closet... wtf!
* Why, when it storms so badly outside that the trees are swaying back and fourth violently nearly touching the ground, the rain is hitting the sliding door at warp speed and the thunder sounds like a train wreck, that I am immediatly reminded of the storm on the 1942 Disney Movie Bambi? (Anyone else??? seriously... the storm with the orchestra.... ) Anyone??
* WHY did they invent moon sand? Jaida wanted an ice cream shop for her birthday, the kind that you smash the play doh into and it makes ice cream. I went looking, and apparently like the horrible mommy I am, only found moon sand that makes ice cream shapes. She never complained, dont take me wrong, she never told me until last night that wasn't what she wanted at all but the real play doh MOM!. As i sat in the floor with her, trying to figure out what was supoosed to be so cool with this Moon sand, i was at a loss. We smashed the sand into the ice cream scoop and wah lah- big deal. that's it.... and, if you touch it or even breath hard on it, it crumbles and falls apart. Seriously- no wonder she wasn't so excited.......BOOORING.
* Once I got some pictures on my imagekind site JUST to get stuff up there, I realized... WHY are all my great shots on film? WHY 35mm? OH yeah wait.... because hands down 35mm is the best and true art, what a pain in the arse this is going to be.......scanning the already perfect photos I have that would sell much faster than anything already out there. AH Well.......
My friends, I am drained. Lack of sleep last night has me near vegitative state today and it is all I can do to keep my eyes open right now. However, from the other room I can hear Jaida, who apparently was upset she missed Transformers last night, watching it on high volume. The cutest thing ever is her, yelling at the TV "Go Bumble Bee, Go... Dont let him.......... OH GOOD JOB BUMBLE BEE!!! Hey Mom! He Turned into a guy!!!"
Off to love my life my friends. Have a marvelous one yourselves!
*Why is it that sometimes, no matter what you do, your hair always falls wrong. You can clip it up, but it still looks so wrong.
I completely understand the attachment thing. I have a bag that I've had for years and never used. I can't throw it out though. I've tried, but it won't work. xx
Hang in there!!
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