Ah, This week seems to be flying by... of course I say that NOW, while face first in a seven pound taco salad! I tell you what, I have eaten at least 8 full meals the last two days and all be damned if i cant get full. It's about to kill the button on my jeans, at any minute now I fully expect it to pop off and richochet off the cubical wall landing in my eye........ I'll keep you updated, or maybe i'll unbutton my pants?? WAit, CAN that be sexual harassment in the workplace? I better not i guess.
I woke up today as hungry as an ethiopian. I dont say that out of FUN or that I dont feel sorry for those people, but literally. I ate two crackers and thought i was going to blow up! I thought at first that 'Finally, those two crackers filled the 'spot' that has caused me to eat like a growing pony the past few days' but, no.... here i sit, still not able to eat fast enough... or enough period! So it's finally Thursday and since I have nothing wittier to tell you today otehr than the fact that my wasteline is expanding at an alarming rate - here we are with my Thursday Thankful List:
* I am thankful for stretchy jean material, even though i'm not wearing stretchy jean material today........WTF was I thinking? I knew I should have saved some maternity clothes for days like this!
* Mrs. Kaiser- My daughters Kindergarten 'summer school' teacher. If not for her, my daughter would be a total mess all day at school (and likly still stuck to my leg as i sit here). This isn't funny, not in the least. She cries every morning when i drop her at school... not because, like me, all the kids make fun of her name... NO... why? Well, it's because everyone is bigger than her... everything is big! :) so cute... So this morning while sitting in the Gym that I once graced with my ugly duckling presents with at her age. I looked across to the North wall to see the Eagle, the school mascot, but not just any eagle... THE same eagle that was there, that the seniors had painted the year I came to school (second grade) I'm almost 29 peeps- seriously... time to redo the mascot?? I think so! In any case trying to get my daughter off my leg, I pointed to it. Told her that it was there when I was in school and asked her how old she thought it was...... to which she replied "I dunno, 800?" Yep... That's right Jaida- Mommy turns 800 this year, and DAMMN do I look goooooood! :) (Someone roll me off a cliff if I live to see 75... seriously)
* I'm so super Thankful for my follwers- shallow? Maybe? But i'm up to 42 and damn proud of that. I will tell you all... I visit your blogs at least once a week even if i dont always comment. Somehow one of my favorite bloggers the Sass is gone from my RSS feed so now I have to manually go see her, what a crock of shit that is! :) Kidding Sass- but really... for some reason your RSS is blocked from me here at work... did you go all XXX on us?? :) AND those of you who read all the time, and comment to me on email, or text or IM... would you PLEASE just sign up already and be a follower... it makes me feel special (pink helmet with lightnight strike special)
* At this very moment, i'm very thankful that my stomach has decided to turn me a bit sick vs. actually eating the rest of this damn taco salad... really... I think i might throw up- eat more crap Bambi- can't you tell it's good for you!!
* Thankful for the days when I work IN the office. Why- Well lemme tell ya: 1. I appreciate my home more. 2. I get to see all the people I used to see, but sadly spend most of my day catching up with them- so case in point, i am more productive when i work from home! 3. I am reminded so often how different my life would be right now had things worked out how I planned for three years... I'm thankful that life chose a different path for me 4. The drive here is beautiful and makes me thankful for where I live! 5. I'm thankful I get to work at home!!!! 6. Did I mention working from home is much better on me production wise? 7. But... all that said, it's still nice to see my friends here at work.
*I'm thankful for the rain- because after the past two weeks of thinking i mysteriously moved to Seattle and didn't know it, the days when the sun comes out (like right now) make the week of grey clouds and tornado warnings much more bearable and cheerful.
*I'm thankful for my damn tattoos- all of them... espeically the one I posted a picture of... I dont see it, ever... so.... i thought i'd share with you so I could see it today! ha
It's a beautiful day today- if you didn't already pick THAT up from the last post. I would give my big toe on either foot to be sitting in the sun around the pool, or lake (whatever, it's not like i swim much) with a huge Pina Colada (double shot of course) and sand between my toes, in which case if i were at the pool would make the sand between the toes a bit awkward now wouldnt it???hummmmm... anyways, it sounded nice. Thanks for hanging in there once again to make it through a totally random and a bit of kiltered Thursday. Peace OUT Ya'll.... (as i throw you a gang sign... like i even know a gang sign!)
Beautiful tattoo and an even more beautiful list!!
I can't believe your little lamb is getting teased over her name. You know what? I associate that with bad parenting. She has in my opinion one of these most beautiful names I've ever heard.
Thanks CP- It represents my life to this point and I couldn't be more proud of it!
She isn't getting teased over her name yet... however her last name is WORM! (not sure i've ever told you that... ha, my name used to be Bambi Worm... crack up about that!!) Thank you for the compliment on her name too- I think it's beautiful. It was I who spend the young years in tears from my name... but i've learned that nothing fits me better than Bambi. Hgus
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