This past weekend had been set in stone, chiseled into my calendars months ago ( i say calendars because i have like 6... mainly because i lose one now and again). The girls were coming from all over to spend not one, but two nights in my new house painting Eureka Springs Red.... and that we did......... Not all of them made it down- but you can be assured they will all get their own little 'story' on the blog accompanied by yet another TARD picture of me... I'm starting to think maybe the helmet thing isn't really a joke anymore, but whatever. So I've had the windows open for days, it's THAT time of year where you dont need the heater, and towards the end of the day it is just hot enough to make you think about the air conditioner before the sun sets and the cool, refreshing spring breeze brings sweeps back through the windows. The only down fall of this - and living basically in the tree tops, is that everything in my house is now covered in a thin layer of yellow dusted pollen and my eyes are swollen, itchy and red. What i need is an air hose to just blow the place out and start over again, but there can only be so many of these nice misty cool days left so i'll just keep fighting natures sex dust (pollen... what a boring way to reproduce).
Since I have a lifetime of pictures to catch you up on, I should start by flying with Mr. Tulsa. Until recently the smallest aircraft i had ever been aboard was one of the smallest 'American Eagle's' ever- it was shaky, nasty inside and i'm pretty sure the pilot of that plane had just graduated because at 17 - landing in Shreveport to see my Bio Dad- I was F**king happy to get out of that thing! I had and never will be scared in the air again after that. I've been on our company jets, which are posh and comfy, not to mention fast as hell and no matter how turbulent these trips ever get, I love it. I AM an adrenaline junkie and no i'm not ready for my intervention yet! :)
Of course i took a picture! Are you kidding, you thought i wouldn't take a picture of something saying 'Tie me down well!!' plugh- I think that should be my new bumpersticker! I digress....
It was a little guy, and I think Mr. Tulsa was wondering if I could handle flying through the air at 2500-3000 feet (is that right?? i think so) in something the size of my bathtub, but i can, and I did, and it was amazing!Now, what you dont hear when you're on a huge aircraft (ok, i've never heard it even on little jets) is the communication between the pilot, and the 'control tower' (i guess that's what it is?) Have you ever been listening to a radio station, and for whatever reason you think they are speaking English, but can't quite tell so you start to question your own ability to speak and understand the English language? Well, THAT is what it is like to listen to these guys speak to one another on the headsets. It's very appealing in a strange way, it's like a pure second language 'Alpha Zooloo (I can only think to myself about Zoolander- THE dumbest movie ever) Ninner yadda yadda' It was all I could to NOT to giggle myself out of the tiny plane, or tear said headset of the pilot seated next to me.. it was a confusion emotion I must say, in any case very sexy to hear that language... and apparently us 'civilians' are the only ones who dont know this language. Whatever- I like the regular alphabet A=Apple... B=Bambi and so on.
So the headsets made me feel like Britney Spears, but that just made me giggle even more. There is nothing more exhilarating than flying to me. I love sports cars (when i'm driving them) a 69 Camero would be the BEST EVER but a plane? nothing..... compares. It's magical, seriously... look at my glasses floating (along with my stomach... i love that feeling)
I am off to prepare my face for society. I have to take the mini me to Missouri for Kindergarten orientation tonight- It makes me sick to my stomach to be honest. My little girl, growing up, scampering off with her friends, learning new and improved ways to finagle around rules, places to stuff things in her room when she's supposed to be cleaning or stories to ask me about, like the most recent one her dad told her to ask me "mommy, how do the babies come out of your belly?' To which i replied.........with the most serious face I could muster (her father waving happily as we drove off... jackass! - he seriously cracks me up with the stuff he sends my way) "The belly button honey, that is why there is a ring in it, it holds my belly closed since I had you" and she nodded, as if that was exactly what she thought and we went about our drive. I just wish she would quite asking me for a brother or sister just because 'all her friends have them'... and be happy with the furry siblings that share the same bed with us. I mean really... i think five of us is enough (two dogs, a cat, a kicking child and a bruised mommy)
Have a superfantabulous Terrifically Touseled Tuesday Ya'll! Cheers...........
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