The picture probably looks bad, but it wasn't....... it was hilarious really... it only took us 30 minutes to figure out where the timer was on this digital camera.... this is the result.
Keane is getting settled in around here, he and the dogs are not quite what i would call 'friends' yet, but he slept in bed with the dogs purring all night......earlier they were laying on each side of me without drawing blood or growling at one another, so that was a huge step in the right direction. Here he is in all his glory this morning, hes truly an amazing cat.
(Hey, me and the dogs still have both eyes... we are definatly doing well)
You know the eyes are the window to the soul, and of course if you have followed or read much of this blog at all you know how facinated I am with the human soul. Looking at this picture, just shows why I adopted Keane- he says so much with just once glance. Pure Raw Emotion in the kindest possible form. Truly magnificant!
It's a beautiful spring day! I dont know that i've felt this 'at peace' in a while. The world just seems right today and it is relaxing. I took a few shots of the bottle tree today - hope i dont make you dizzy with it.
Since I am too lost in the euphoria of life to write anything worth while today- Here are the pictures from Saturday Night:
Mental vaycays are sometimes just like going on an actual vaycay.
Yeah CP- but nearly as good as your Easter Vacay! you have me dying to be on a beach right now.
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