This is Claires- Cute little place on the square. This is where my cousin Tara and i saw the family of Elk come rest in the middle of the part last summer (or was it the summer before?) Anyways, then the police on segways came and chased them off. It was comical, i mean really... a segway? Up agains a daddy Elk? IF he wanted to kick your ass mister, he would have done so. I think he was just being kind since there were so many spectators in the area. Back to the story- Claries has good bloody marys and great service. If you go, try it out. It's nothing fancy, but it's got GREAT food and good drinks! You can't beat the view either.
Of course I try (key word here... try) to take pictures of most things i eat, or places I suppose. mainly so i can rant about how good it is...I often see people that work in the establishment looking at me funny while i set up the 'scene' of the menu and my meal/drink. I keep waiting for the day when they ask me if i'm a critic. I can look at them dead in the eye and say "No, I just have a very serious obsession with food and pictures" then snap one of them and see how they react. I keep waiting, they never ask... If you're wondering... NO, these Bloody's are not even close to comparable with the Cat House Bloody Mary. It's worth the trip to Eureka Springs (yes people... Arkansas) just to have one.. I promise! For the guys out there, all the girls who work in the bar are smokin' hot... ladies... Latty's pretty damn cute too!!!! You should go... no matter it's super fun and the peeps are a hoot. Why else would i hang out there?
Oh YEAH- damn attention span of a hummingbird on days like today. Sorry. Anyways, so after we ate we tried to go up to the mountain, but the tram was closed (doesn't open til next weekend.. jerks) So we stopped off and got our beverages and headed to the hot tub. Here are some pics for you of that little outing:
and then from the other direction: (keep in mind the Big T is actually a LOT bigger than this down river... this place is up the mountain a bit and closer to the National Park)
Here, you can see by the horrid expression on Tulsa's face HOW FUCKING COLD the water actually is. But I think by this time we had a few drinks in us and it didn't matter. I got in too, but there is no photographic proof and thank god for that because look at this:
NOT ONLY I do look like a block of swiss cheese but my hair is still in the faux hawk. See people, i'm not your average bear! I'm not too good to post horrible pictures of my muffin top on the Internet....blending in with my snow white legs and bleached out swim suit... NO.. Besides... I am at lesat a .5 shade darker after today... so HA! I like this picture though... it's kinda cute and sorta funny if you look at it right. I'll leave you with that.
It's been a super fabuloustic day today! I keep getting lost in the sky and i have YET to see a cloud. I hope (as always) no matter where you are, who you're with, or what you are doing. Work, play, school, or on the other side of the world in bed right now, that you are as happy as you can possibly be WHERE you are... right this second. If you're not... get your ass up and eat chocolate, drink some Riesling, or sing your favorite childhood song. Whatever it is that makes you giggle a little inside. Sometimes, even when things are really hard.... if you fake the smile, and you work hard for the laughs, they become real... and you forget what your frown was even about to start with, you carry on with what WAS a fake smile on your face... and continue your day being happy. If thats not enough, and you just live to see how many chipmunks I save... WELL- I let keane out once today........... for only a few minutes (because if he didn't stop trying to ride the dogs out the door during potty breaks there was going to be a fight) and he didn't manage to catch a damn thing! HA. So i'll leave you with with this cute little number- the serial killa- resting for his next hunt _TADA!
(check the fangs on this guy! Man he's a beautiful cat.... but geesus those poor chipmunks!)
Cheers my friends......... until Monday...........MUWAHHHHHH!
1 comment:
Your dude in the pool looks very happy, almost pleased with himself...
Great photos, even better sunglasses.
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