Friday night was a lot of fun, as I said in the first chapter....and frankly it's all become a huge blurr at this point, but we all ended up back at my house. Honkey Suckle (Eric and Dave) came back to play for us around the fire pit (yeah i know right... total Arkansas site right there) My friend Matt from Shell Knob and Hilary showed up to join the rest of the crew. We sat around the fire outside, listened to good music and chatted in our jammies. Here are a few pictures, as the night raced on, I served chips with salsa and cheese dip (and made an ass load of quesadillas) enjoy the story in pictures.
Merrie and Eric Groovin
What a waste of good cheese................ man......................... i dont love cheese as much when i look at this picture............ but i digress: On with the story!
It wasn't long after the CHEESE that i decided to make all my hungry and very drunk friends some Quesadillas, which by the way, got eaten as fast as I made them. While in the house though, like any little get together people are in and out of the house, mixing drinks, using the facilities and conversing in various areas of the house. It just so happened, I was in the one room of the house that the girls from the Motley Crue videos' showed up. I mean i love Nikki Sixx- but I think I love the following pictures even more:
and soon after this.............. we all just ended up on the floor, making faces, doing poses and well... heading for ONE hell of a hang over the next morning:
But the night didn't end with JUST cheese on feet... or drunk girls who haven't hung out together in ages, rolling around on the floor in the woods of Arkansas, pretending we were all 10 years younger again. It didn't go un noticed that we were missing a few of our 'crew', nor did it seem as if the 'new members' had become NEW to the group, or had been there all along.
Even when you traipse around in the hills with no shoes on: (no these are NOT my feet- this person shall remain nameless to keep from hillbily status) listening to live folk music played by your friends around a fire pit... you can't help but look at them all in a group and be thankful that after all of these years, they are still the people who held you up when you felt like you couldn't stand anymore... (even if you were just drunk in HS) They talked you through break ups you thought would never heal. They sent you birthday, mothers day and Christmas cards, even though you can't seem to remember to send them to anyone - you got one... from them. They are the ones that you call when you need to cry, and you just really have no idea why. They are the ones you drive hours to see for 30 minutes because just that thirty minutes alone can make an entire difference in the next year of your life. No matter what you do in life, mistakes you make, tears you shed, people you lose or smiles you share... these are the people that will stand beside you no matter what. They love you, for who you are, what you were and where you have traveled to become the person you are today.
This friendship- between this group of girls is not something you find around every corner. This 'institution' (because that word seems so fitting, especially after the pictures) of friends, seem to fit together like a bunch of puzzle pieces that never fit anywhere else. Our edges compliment one another, and each piece more different than the next, yet the same in some way that you can't quite put your finger on.
Up next- Saturday's events in Eureka Springs with the Tocheise Girls:
To Be Continued...............
One hell of a night! I love sitting around with friends, fire, music, drink, cheese dip. Sounds perfect. xx
LOL, wow that looks like a crazy night. just out of curiousity... how much did you guys have to drink? because you look like you are living in toasted bliss. ha ha =)
Elise- It was pretty damn perfect!
LaPixie- Nice to see you back, little married girl. I've been keeping up with your busy little life, love the recent pics of baby j. I dont know how much we drank. I know we started off at dinner with two bottles of wine, and started drinking bloody marys and a few shots so - yea.. we were toasted. :)
Some serious bad ass fun girl!
(I could do without the cheesy feet)
When you get through tasting Liquid Cocaine, give me the verdict on the taste.
CP- I think i'll suggest a cocaine shot next weekend. I will definatly let you know my thoughs.
Yeah, i had to show the cheesy toes... and YES, it's is horribly disgusting, but my word how much we laughed. Just be happy i didn't post the day after picture. I can't do it!
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