She was excited to make her first wish as a 'big girl' and even went as far as to TRY and tell me what it was she wished for.........but we put a stop to that. We all know wishes dont come true if we tell what the wish is!
She didn't eat much of the cupcake, which is fine with me.... it took her a little bit to really wake up, surprisingly even after i SANG. The dogs gave her snuggies and we sat around talking about what she wanted for her birthday (her party is Saturday) and who might be there and such.
Scamps is always up for a good conversation, bad breath and all. Jaida even tried to give him some of her cupcake to 'sweeten' his breath, but he wouldn't take it :)
We got all dressed up, and fixed her hair. Headed off to meet her daddy for his part of her birthday. She was so excited to go to Chuck E Cheese, as a big girl for the first time.
After I dropped her off with her dad, i finished the day in the office. It was a highly productive day, even with ghosts everywhere I turned. I got home last night and began wrapping what I could afford for Jaida's birthday presents when I heard the dogs growling at something as if they were going to 'eat' it. I glanced out the front door and saw her:
She stood there, such grace and elegance. Each time a dog would bark her muscles would tighten and her ears purk up. Slowly, she would let her gaurd down and begin to take a step, and freeze again, as soon as the dogs would alarm. I stood there, camera in hand taking pictures through the glass of the front door. Every window in the house was open and I know she heard me speak, as she looked confused when I would signal for the dogs to quiet up. It was almost, as if when i looked through the lense, she was looking right back at me, with a kind and almost magical sparkle in her eyes:
We stared back and fourth at one another in a silent conversation that would go on for what seemed like forever. Finally the dogs began again and this time she decided to hide: (giggle giggle- you can't see her... can you?)
Didn't think so!~ :) She finally walked off, joining the other 3-4 family members that linger in the bushes, but it was our moment- Bambi and Doe- funny huh? I thought it was magnificant!
As I sit here breathing in the calm of the day- the beauty that is and the things to come, I can't help but be thankful for all that my life holds. I can't wait to take Jaida into town for the free music in the park, introduce her to REAL Blues music, live and buy her a sucker the size of her head as her birthday treat. Then we'll come home, finish cupcakes for her party tomorrow and snuggle up before bed to a good movie. Whatever the weekend has in store for you my friends, I hope it is a fabulous one in deed. May the sun kiss your face in a soft and warming manner, the rain drops cool your lips with the kindest of motion and the wind blow your hair from your site. Time flys- especially when it comes to children. I wish someone had warned me so long ago that it would be overnight and she would be starting school. Maybe they did, maybe i didn't listen? In any case.... I'm stuck here, in this happiness of watching a beautiful young girl grow up, and sadness of seeing my baby become a girl. *sniff sniff* I am going to sit in the sun for a moment and recharge. I hope you have a safe and happy weekend my friends. Go find some live music and let it feed your soul! Cheers
Bambi you are such a beautiful person inside and out. You are so blessed having Jaida. I'm more than sure she will inherit your beautiful personality.
Ah sweet bliss.... Moments captured in our minds and infused into our souls can last forever...
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