Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday- Things that make me laugh or smile

I've decided to dedicate one day a week to the things in this world that make me laugh or maybe just smile. Since my posts are kind of boring and follow the same trek - meaning they are NOT random at all (ha) i'm going to put a little structure into my Day in the Life so here goes:

  • Laugh- When my dog scamps goes outside and runs in circles around the front yard. he runs so hard and fast that he literally flips rocks at the house. This is a 6 pound Maltese that looks like a white floor mop with eyeballs. It IS one of the cutest, and funniest things to see... Seriously!

  • Smile- When my daughter takes a bath in 'my' tub. The bathtub is a jet tub in the corner of my bedroom, so I can sit on the bed and read, make grocery lists etc while she is off in her own little world of bubbles. The funny part is when i've gotten so INTO whatever it is that i'm doing and I happen to look up, she's standing in the tub, nearly overflowing with bubbles, painting the tile with the bubble pile on her head. It's not so fun to clean up, but it's hilarious while she does it and quite calming to watch (until i realize how long it's going to take to clean it up)

  • Laugh: This- morning hair, sipping milk off a spoon- THIS makes me laugh- Nuff said:

  • Smile- My house and everything around, about, and in it. I LOVE IT HERE. (have i told you that before? didn't think so)

  • Laugh - Memories of people, places and things. There are so many wonderful memories it's hard NOT to get lost in them. They tickle so much it's funny!

  • Smile- The fact that i've saved TWO (yes two... ) Chipmunks from death by Cat today- Watching them scamper away as Keane struggles to chase after them, working so hard to excape my grip- makes me smile... (nature... not always so pretty.. is it!)

  • Laugh- This strand of beads Jaida just put around my neck- I look like Marg Simpson!

  • Laugh- The fact my daughter can make JUST as good Tard faces as I can. I'm so proud- Her Fifth Birthday is in two weeks. I dont know if it is the fact she's starting school this year, that she's a foot taller than most kids her age, or the fact she already has a crush on boys... but it scares me, makes me wish in a way that she would stay his little forever, then again... i look forward to our 'friendship' when she gets old enough that I dont have to be a strict mother 'constantly'. I look forward to it all- So I think for her birthday i'll get her a pink helmet- to match Mommy's!

Wherever you are in the world today, if the sun is out or the rain is pouring... no matter what, no matter where. I hope you can name at least 2 things that make you laugh, or smile. Not just a surface smile a real one you feel in your soul. Not just a giggle but a deep down laugh that tickles so deep that your face hurts when it's over. There are so many things to love and laugh about in the world that it is funny when sometimes we get stuck in that storm cloud of grey and can't seem to find any of them. One day the sun comes back out, blinds us and makes us realize that we can smile and laugh about everything in our lives, even the bad. EVEN if it means getting stuck in the Denver Airport for 8 hours, Flooded in on Grande Isle, LA- Not getting to eat your favorite cheese for weeks, or saving a few chipmunks and lizard eggs. No matter what it is, that makes us smile........ we should appreciate it, laugh at it, and cherish every single moment of it. After all- we really never know when we will be making our very last memory with someone, so it should be the best it can be, at all times.

Have you told everyone you love... that you love them today? You should- maybe, it will even make you smile!


Cocaine Princess said...

I love reading these posts of yours!!

Awesome pics!!

Thirtysomething said...

CP- Thank you so MUCH- I love reading yours too! Hugs