The grey has been coming for some time now. I could see it slowly creeping up behind the trees as if to make a surprise entrance. You can smell it, long before it gets here. The wind picks up with a crisp wet feeling and sweeps through the trees ever so softly. It begins as a whisper, far away, moving slowly in my direction, the breeze grows cooler and cooler, the smell grows sweeter and sweeter until finally, it is here.
I step out into it, calmly, patiently. I take one step at a time until my feet grow damp and cool. I feel the soft drops landing on the tops of my feet, dancing and tickling them until I smile. I take another step and begin to feel the cool drops spatter on my hands, then up my arms and finally on my shoulders and chest. I breath in as deep as I can, trying to embrace this moment, this feeling and this smell ... this NOW... I begin to laugh under my breath. Finally I step out from under the awning, the drops moving from my chin, then softly caressing my lips, up over my cheek bones and finally to my eyes. I lean my head backwards, my nose to the sky, my eyes closed tightly as the drops land, and roll down my lips into my mouth. I can taste the sweetness of summer. This is it, on the verge of seasons.... the cool fresh air followed by the sweet taste of rain through the trees, it brings a clean, refreshed and beautiful aura to the day.
As my hair begins to soak, and water runs down the side of my face my entire body has embraced the beauty of natures seasons with all senses. I hear the rain, so soothing it could put a baby to sleep. I hear the breeze, dancing back and fourth with the leaves of the trees and making an orchastra of natural symphony. I smell the sweetness of the air, such a wonderful mixture of so many beautiful things nature has created and last there is taste- with my tongue sticking out of my mouth, my eyes closed and my head tilted back just so. I have steped into my senses with every cell in my body. I have fallen in love, yet again with the weather and the unending glory it brings us. Sheer Beauty!
Wherever you are my friends, I hope you can feel the sweet softness of spring as it lingers and the warm sensuatlity of summer as it patiently waits behind the door. Make something special with someone today! Jaida and I made bannana bread last night, it was a blast! AND it turned out great!! Tonight we'll be making some cupcakes, her birthday is tomorrow and i want to wake her up the same way my mom always did me. Beatles Birthday Song and my favorite kind of cake! Some traditions, even if copied, down played, or disregarded by others will always and forever be YOUR OWN, no matter how hard people try. Have a fantastic evening everyone. Cheers! Hugs!
very beautifully stated..
That was beautifly written!
Give your precious Jaida a hug from me.
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